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[摘要] 介绍“银医通”系统的构成、系统的功能和对“银医通”系统的应用体会,“银医通”其自助发卡、医保卡自助绑定、缴费、充值、预约挂号、自助打印等功能,优化了患者在医院门诊就诊的流程,提高了医院的工作效率,便捷了对患者的就诊服务。
[关键词] 银医通;“银医通”服务平台;门诊
[中图分类号] R197.324[文献标识码] B[论文编号]1673-7210(2011)12(b)-172-02
Convenient services for patients with "silver medical direct links" service platform
PENG Zhicai, WANG Yugui, PAN Jie, WANG Mingju, XIONG Jian, ZHANG Liqun, YU Dong, WEI Sen, HU Xiaobo, ZHANG Jin
Department of Information Resources, Taihe Hospital Affiliated to Hubei Medical College, Hubei Province, Shiyan 442000, China
[Abstract] This paper describes the "Silver Yee Tong" system structure, function and application experience, and points out that through its self-help issue of card, self-help binding, payment, recharge, appointment registration, self-service printing of Medicare card, "Silver medical direct links" can optimize out-patient treatment processes, improve hospital efficiency and make treatment service more convenient for the patients.
[Key words] Silver doctors; "Silver doctors" service platform; Clinic