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Chapter One Introduction11-17

1.1 Liu Zhongde’s Life and Career11-14

1.2 Background of the Study14-15

1.3 Significance of the Study15-16

1.4 Structure of the Study16-17

Chapter Two Major Relevant Studies on Liu’s Translation Principles17-27

2.1 Major Studies on Liu’s “信达切”17-20

2.2 A Comparative Study of the Translation Principles Proposed by Three Eminent Scholars20-27
2.2.1 A Comparison of “Xin Da Qie” with “Xin Da Ya”20-24
2.2.2 A Comparison of “Xin Da Qie” with Tytler’s Three-Sentence Principles24-27
Chapter Three Liu’s Translation Principles and Their Feasibipty27-39

3.1 Liu’s Translation Principles27-31

3.1.1 Xin (Faithfulness)—Being Faithful to the Content of the Original27-29
3.1.2 Da (Expressiveness)—Being as Expressive as the Original29-30
3.1.3 Qie (Closeness)—Being as Close to the Original Style as Possible30-31
3.2 Feasibipty of the Three Principles31-39

2.1 Chinese-Engpsh Translation32-35


2.2 Engpsh-Chinese Translation35-39

Chapter Four A Comparative Study of Liu’s Second and Third Versions of Emma39-62
4.1 A Brief Account of Emma and Its Author39-41
4.2 Towards Liu’s Second and Third Versions of Emma41-42
4.3 Liu’s Apppcation of His Principles to His Second and T论文导读:hirdVersionsofEmma42-624.3.1AnalysisoftheTwoVersionsintheLightofXin46-514.3.2AnalysisoftheTwoVersionsintheLightofDa51-564.3.3AnalysisoftheTwoVersionsintheLightofQie56-62ChapterFiveConclusion62-64Bibpography64-67上一页12
hird Versions of Emma42-62
4.3.1 Analysis of the Two Versions in the Light of Xin46-51
4.3.2 Analysis of the Two Versions in the Light of Da51-56
4.3.3 Analysis of the Two Versions in the Light of Qie56-62
Chapter Five Conclusion62-64