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摘要: 法学专业教学实践基地是培养学生实践能力的途径和场所,是教学单位与基地单位双方联系的桥梁和纽带,教学实践基地的利用和发展,促进了实践教学模式的改革与完善。选择和建立法学专业教学实践基地要遵循一定的条件和原则,在模式上,可建立多层次、多类型教学实践基地,创建紧密联系型基地。对教学实践基地的组织与管理,以协议为基础,做到规范化、制度化、实效化毕业论文。
Abstract: Legal science specialized educational practice base is an important way and an place for training students' practical ability, the bridge and the link between teaching units and base units. With the utilization and development of teaching practice base, practical teaching mode was reformed and perfected. It need follow certain conditions and principles to select and establish educational practice base for legal science. On the mode, they can establishmulti-level and multi-type teaching practice base and create closely contact base. The organization and management of teaching practice base should be based on agreements to be standardized and institutionalized and effective.
关键词: 法学专业;教学实践基地;探讨
Key words: legal profession;teaching practice base;explore