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〔摘 要〕新型社交网络开放平台近年来了迅速的发展,正在改变着人们的沟通与交往模式,并深刻影响着经济和社会的发展毕业总结范文。主要研究社交网络中信息传播问题,就其传播方式、传播、传播路径和传播特点了研究,同时以新浪微博为例,在分析大量实例的基础上,关于社交网络开放平台中信息传播的几种主要模型及特点保险论文。
〔中图分类号〕G201 〔文献标识码〕A 〔论文编号〕1008-0821(2012)01-0056-04
New Social Networking Features and Model Analysis of Information DisseminationGuo Haixia
(Library,East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 200042,China)
〔Abstract〕Social networking open platform is growing rapidly,and also greatly affects economic and social development.The paper focused on the dissemination of SNS information,studied its mode of tranission,communication behior,and communication features of the propagation path.Choosing Sino Micro blogging for example,the author proposed several major models of the propagation path of SNS information dissemination based on the analysis of a large quantity of examples.
〔Key words〕social networking services;SNS;information dissemination;micro blogging
SNS(Social Networking Services)即社交网络,是人们六度分割理论[1]创立的面向社会性网络的互联网服务。-以上为可参考的写作提示