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最后更新时间:2024-04-14 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:24129 浏览:108654
Abstract: With the deepening of China's rapid socio-economic development as well as opening up the domestic construction enterprises gradually extend the scope of its business to the international engineering contracting market, fierce competition and participants in international and domestic markets. Order to better fulfill the international engineering, establish a good corporate international image, it is necessary to strengthen the performance management of international projects, and constantly improve the level of project performance management, and ensure project quality and progress. As a very important part in the international project management is essential to strengthen the management of the local employees. In this regard, the project department must take practical measures to strengthen the communication and management of local employees, and fully mobilize the enthusia o源于:论文库www.7ctime.com
f the local employees, to ensure the ooth performance. Project of the Mount praise dam water control project in the implementation process, the project department in considering the costs and special local geographical circumstances, large-scale hiring of local employees, but employees in the use and management of a series of "acclimatization "phenomenon. In this paper, the problems in the project management of employees, made ​​a few observations on current local employee management, and construction enterprises in the international construction management increased localization efforts in the international construction. This article is mainly focused on the management of local employees verbal communication, the four religious habit differences, labor disputes, negative emotions distraction.Key words: international project; LL; management; differences in religious habits; labor disputes; strategy
引言:高摩赞大坝水利枢纽工程地处巴阿边境的开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦省南瓦济里斯坦部族地区。该项目最初的设想诞生于英殖民地时期。但是由于当时自然条件恶劣,部族利益分歧难以调和,使得该规划被搁浅。2002年7月该项目由中国水利水电集团公司和哈尔滨电建公司组建的CWEHC-HPE JV来承建,后因2004年10月9日人质事件,合同被迫终止;2007年,中论文导读:方面,并对国际工程项目当地雇员管理策略进行了分析。上一页12
国水利水电建设集团公司与巴基斯坦主承包商FWO(Frontier Works Organization,边防建设兵团)签订分包合同并重新开始实施该项目;2011年9月11日,大坝主体结构混凝土浇筑完成。