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最后更新时间:2024-01-21 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:18401 浏览:81783
摘要:目的:做好中药配方颗粒销售的年度分析工作,为库房采购计划的制定与日常饮片的保管、领用、使用提供依据。策略:收集我院2013年中药配方颗粒年总销售量、总销售额、单味中药配方颗粒销售量,以及使用中药配方颗粒的处方张数等数据,并进行统计分析。结果:年度使用量最大的24种中药配方颗粒中生地黄、赤芍、南沙参的使用量最大,2013年使用中药配方颗粒的处方有14820张,统计用药321种,其中使用频率最高的为甘草,频率46.82%,用药频率≥8%的中药配方颗粒有26种,其中补虚药使用频率最高,占26.92%。结论: 做好中药配方颗粒销售的年度分析工作,对库房采购计划的制定与日常饮片的保管、领用使用有较好的指导作用,中药配方颗粒作为疗效确切的新剂型,未能得到很好的推广使用,需要政府、专家学者、企业及医疗单位的共同努力,扬长避短,发扬其优点,克服其缺点,使中药配方颗粒的应用向更规范、有序、健康的方向发展。
Abstract:Objective To do a good job of traditional Chinese medicine formula particles sales annual analysis,Purchasing plan for warehouse and daily slices of custody, recipients, provides the basis for using. Msthods Collected from 2013 Chinese medicine formula particles in total sales, total sales, sales of single taste traditional Chinese medicine formula particles, and the use of traditional Chinese medicine formula particles of prescription data such as number of sheets, and statistical analysis. Results Largest annual usage of 24 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine formula particles of raw radix rehmanniae, radix paeoniae rubra, Use of traditional Chinese medicine formula particles in 2013 there were 14820 prescriptions, Statistical medicine 321, one of the most frequently used for licorice, frequency of 46.82%, a frequency of 8% or more of traditional Chinese medicine formula particles there are 26 kinds of, Tonify deficiency of drug use frequency is highest, accounting for 26.92%. Conclusion Do a good job in the traditional Chinese medicine formula particles sales annual analysis of purchasing plan and daily warehouse yinpian custody, recipients use has good guidance, Traditional Chinese medicine formula particles as a new dosage form of curative effect, not to obtain the very good use, need the government, experts and scholars, the joint efforts of enterprises and medical treatment units, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, carry forward the advantage, overcome its shortcomings, to make the application of traditional Chinese medicine formula particles to more normative, orderly and healthy direction.
Keywords:chinese medicinal granules;drug analysis;drug use frequency
1 资料与策略



1.2 策略

(1)统计我院2013年住院部中药配方颗粒年总销售量、总销售额;(2)对我院2013年使用量较大的单个中药配方颗粒进行统计、排序;(3)从功效的角度出发,对中药配方颗粒进行分类,并对使用频率较大的中药配方颗粒进行统计、排序。 全文地址:www.7ctime.com/zylw/lw48292.html上一论文:谈述皇上,药不能停