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最后更新时间:2024-03-24 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:16218 浏览:69905
In the past two years, India's economy has seen a sharp slowdown and that has had a direct impact on youth unemployment, particularly for graduates chasing white-collar jobs.
But, despite that, some parts of the economy are desperate to find skilled young workers - and that could he a big knock-on effect.
India has a potential "demographic dividend"; 技能短板阻碍了印度经济发展?相关论文由www.7ctime.com收集,如需论文.its millions of young people could be some of the major global consumers of the coming decades but only if they get the right education and work.
While many leing university this year will struggle to find suitable work, they will sit side by side in their struggle with businesses that cannot find enough young people ready and skilled for manufacturing.
Those businesses may he to train up recruits from scratch, a process that can take years. 全文地址:www.7ctime.com/zqtzlw/lw1129.html上一论文:浅论论经济法主体的义务