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【摘 要】听说读写作为语言学习的四个基本能力,缺一不可。其中,听力能力居于首位。此文旨在探究听力测试在整个语言学习过程中的重要性,进而为提高高考英语听力提供几点倡议。
【关键词】英语听力 语言学习 高考英语
Abstract:Four basic skills of language learning,namely,listening,speaking,reading and writing are indispensable.Listening stresses the first place among these three skills.This thesis intends to explore the importance of English listening in the process of language learning and propose some suggestions on improving English listening in National Matriculation English Test.
Key words:English listening language learning NMET


Since 2005,the English listening test in NMET has been gradually cancelled in six provinces,including Shanxi,Hebei,and Sichuan.As a matter of fact,the essential purpose of learning foreign language is to communicate with others,and listening is indispensable.This thesis intends to explore the importance of English listening in the process of language learning and propose some suggestions on improving English listening in National Matriculation English Test.

2.Krashen’s “i+1” principle

Krashen brought forward the concept of “i+1” principle,i.e.the language that learners are exposed to should be just far enough beyond their current competence so that they can understand most of it but still be challenged to make progress.Input should neither be so far beyond their reach that they are overwhelmed,nor so close to their current stage that they are not challenged at all(Hu Zhuanglin,2006).
According to this theory,listening belongs to the input domain.Therefore,the listening test should be added into high school students’ curriculum,for they can improve their competence into a further level;otherwise,they will lose the opportunity to attain the over-all language learning skills.Therefore,Listening works as the indispensable part of foreign language learning and the ladder of the students’ over-all development and life-long learning.
3.Suggestions on Improving English Listening in NMET
3.1 Improving the listening broadcast system in the English teaching
Compared with urban students,the listening ability of students in rural areas is feebler,thus the government should issue some policies to improve their conditions.The improvement of hardware facility in the rural areas is beneficial to students’ communication skills,so that they can he an equal opportunity to practice the listening ability in English learning.Meanwhile,some useful measures need to be considered,such as control in the difficulty of listening test,str论文导读:anstudentslearntheidiomaticEnglishandunderstandthelisteningmaterialsproperly.4.ConclusionAccordingtoKrashen’s“i+1”principle,theexistenceofEnglishListeningTestinNationalMatriculationExaminationisnecessary,foritisastheindispensablepartofforeignlanguagelea
ess the quality of the tape recording and other necessary measures for improving the outside examination environment.

3.2 Changing the forms of examination

Different from western countries,the College Entrance Examination in China often determines a person’s lifetime,based on once examination or one score.By the special form of listening test,the Ministry of Education can take other kinds of exams to improve the situation,such as taking the ordinary test scores as a reference,or through more than one time exams and other different forms of exams to make the scores more reasonable.
3.3 Realizing the importance of the listening & thinking in English
Listening has become a key criterion for measuring a learner’s capability of mastering a language.Except teachers and parents’ help and supervision,students themselves need to realize the importance of the listening in English learning.More listening exercises in the usual learning life can lessen students’ the anxiety that they encounter in the exam.
What’s more,Chinese students should cultivate the habit of thinking in English consciously,such as training listening in their daily lives through listening to the English news,watching English movies,etc.Only thinking in English,can students learn the idiomatic English and understand the listening materials properly.


According to Krashen’s “i+1” principle,the existence of English Listening Test in National Matriculation Examination is necessary,for it is as the indispensable part of foreign language learning and teaching and also the ladder of the students’ over-all development and life-long learning.Except improving the listening broadcast system and changing the forms of examination,students themselves should realize the importance of the listening in English learning and cultivate the habit of thinking in English consciously.Only thinking in English,can students master English natively and perfectly.