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[摘要] 目的 探讨一体化护理对局部麻醉术患者心理及疼痛应激的影响。 策略 选取2010年10月~2013年12月本院收治的80例局部麻醉术患者为研究对象,将入选者随机分为对照组(常规手术护理组)40例和观察组(一体化护理组)40例,比较两组干预前后的Zung自评量表与疼痛自我评估结果。 结果 观察组护理干预后的Zung自评量表抑郁和焦虑评分分别为(46.21±4.96)分和(46.25±4.04)分,阳性率分别为50.00%和52.50%;术中及术后即刻的轻度疼痛率分别为95.00%和97.50%,均显著优于对照组,差异有统计学作用(P<0.05)。 结论 一体化护理对局部麻醉术患者心理应激及疼痛应激的影响较大,更适用于局部麻醉术患者。
[关键词] 一体化护理;局部麻醉术;心理应激;疼痛应激
[] B [文章编号] 1674-4721(2014)09(b)-0140-03
Influence of integrated nursing for the psychological stress and pain stress of operative patients with local anesthesia
ZHOU Xiao-fang
Operation Room,Fengxin People′s Hospital of Fengxin County of Yichun City in Jiangxi Province,Fengxin 330700,China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the influence of integrated nursing for the psychological stress and pain stress of operative patients with local anesthesia. Methods 80 cases with local anesthesia from October 2010 to December 2013 in our hospital were selected and randomly divided into control group(conventional operation nursing group) and observation group(integrated nursing group),40 cases in each group.The Zung self-rating scale before and after the intervention and pain self-assesent results of two goups were compared. Results The Zung self-rating scale depression and anxiety score in observation group after the intervention were (46.21±4.96)points and(46.25±4.04)points,positive rates were 50.00% and 52.50%.The mild pain rates during operation was 95.00%,the mild pain rates after operation immediate was 97.50%,which was obviously better than that in control group,with statistical difference(P<0.05). Conclusion The influence of integrated nursing for the psychological stress and pain stress of operative patients with local anesthesia are great,and it is more suitable for the patients with local anesthesia.
[Key words] Integrated nursing;Local anesthesia;Psychological stress;Pain stress
1 资料与策略

1.1 一般资料

选取2010年10月~2013年12月本院收治的80例局部麻醉手术患者为研究对象,随机分为对照组(常规手术护理组)40例和观察组(一体化护理组)40例。其中对照组中,男性24例,女性16例;年龄23~67岁,平均(39.0±5.6)岁;手术种类:眼科18例,疝气16例,其他6例;文化程度:小学和初中20例,中专和高中13例,大专及以上7例。观察组中,男性23例,女性17例;年龄22~68岁,平均(39.3±5.5)岁,手术种类:眼科18例,疝气15例,其他7例;文化程度:小学和初中21例,中专和高中13例,大专及以上6例。两组的性别、年龄、手术种类及文化程度构成方面比较,差异无统计学作用(P>0.05),具有可比性。 全文地址:www.7ctime.com/yxxlxlw/lw45880.html上一论文:浅论心理护理干预在助产过程中的应用效果观察