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摘 要:农业科技宣传工作在农业科技领域的新技术、新成果的传播与普及中起着至关重要的作用,是实施创新农业科技驱动发展的重要载体,是提高农民科学素质的重要手段,是增强科技创新能力的助推器,推动农业可持续发展的重要舆论平台,但也存在着认识不足、专业知识缺乏、综合素质不高、运转机制不健全、激励机制不到位、经费投入不够等理由。面对新形势,如何更新思想观念,创新工作策略,增强发展后劲,提高采编能力、拓展报道层次,不断探索新形势下农业科技宣传工作的新途径,努力构建“全方位、多渠道”的科技宣传新模式,把农业科技宣传工作不断推向新的高度,为实现社会农业经济又好又快发展提供强有力的科技舆论支撑。
:A 论文编号:2013-0405
Discussion on Existing Problems and the Exploring Ways of News Propaganda
on Agricultural Science and Technology
Men Huiqin
(Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Yinchuan 750002, Ningxia, China)
Abstract: News propaganda on agricultural science and technology played a vital role in the promotion and popularity of agricultural new technology and results, it was an important carrier for the innovation of agricultural science and technology. It was also the important means of improving the quality of farmers and a booster of enhancing the innovation ability of science and technology, as well as an important public opinion platform to promote the sustainable development of agricultural. However there were some problems in the news propaganda such as lack of understanding and professional knowledge, poor comprehensive quality, imperfect running mechani, dissatiaction about the incentive mechani, the lack of money and so forth. Facing the new situation, people needed to update ideas, innovative working methods, sustain development, improve the ability of editorial, expand coverage level and continuously explore new means of news propaganda on agricultural science and technology to make efforts to build a new model of ‘an omni-directional, multi-channel’. Eventually the propaganda work ceaselessly reached new heights to supply strong opinion of science and technology for the realization of the agricultural society economic developed soundly and rapidly.
Key words: Propaganda on Agricultural Science and Technology; Function; Problems; Exploring New Ways
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1 农业科技新闻宣传工作的重要性