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1 教学背景分析
南京外国语学校的学生在进校时都通过了综合英语能力测试,均是南京市小学毕业生中的佼佼者。进入我校后,英语采用小班化、全英文的教学模式,学生在日常听、说方面不存在理由。生物课作为学校教育的一个重要组成部分,且具备语境教学的优势条件, 在生物课上采用双语进行教学,采用情境式、渗透式、沉浸式的双语教学方式,通过情景交际的语境, 对激发学生生物课的兴趣,有积极的帮助。
2 教学目标的确定
3 情境创设
4 教学过程设计
(1) 复习导入:
Do you remember these pictures? Last lesson we played a game about animal behior. We found many pictures and divided them into two types. What are they?
生:Innate behior and learned behior.
(2) 头脑风暴:
① 动物先天性行为的定义、举例。
师:Can you find something in common among these pictures?What kind of behior do they belong to?
生:These pictures are all examples of “Innate behior”.
师:What’s the definition of innate behior?
师:Who can give us some examples of Innate behior?
师:举例并播放相关视频Examples: bees collecting honey; ants building their nest; spiders weing webs; bird migration; mammals bringing up their young; bees cleaning the nest and taking care of their babies.
② 动物后天性行为的定义、举例。
师:Can you find something in common among these pictures?What kind of behior do they belong to?
师:These pictures are all examples of “Learned behior”.What’s the definition of learned behior?
师:Who can give us some examples of learned behior?
师:举例并播放相关视频Example: The dolphins are trained to head balls、 revolve and dance.
师:Life experience and learning play a crucial role in developing learned behior. For example, young chimpanzees copy adults to catch termites from a ce with a wet branch.Another example, here is a very clever Chimpanzee. Let’s watch a flash about it.教师播放相关Flash动画。

③ 动物后天性行为的重要作用。
师:The complicated behior of higher animals are mainly learned. But why the animals need to study? In other words , what is the meaning of learned behior? You can discuss this question with your parterner and then I will ask someone to answer.
生:Learning is the process by which higher animals respond to the information of the environment and then produce their new behiors through their nervous system. Learning relates mainly with the cerebral cortex. So the more developed an animal’s cerebral cortex, the stronger its learning capability, and the better the animal adapts to the environment.
④ 教师及时小结:
Distinguish “Innate behior”and “Learned behior”.
师:Now we know that some movements of animals such as crawling, running, swimming, flying, and some actions such as eating, reproducing, attacking, defending, as well as pricking up one’s ears, pronouncing, changing body color and so on are all examples of animal behior. The animal behior is the reaction to the outside.
师:Do you know what organs and system take part in the formation of animal behior? Let’s look at an example first. Do you like to go to the zoo? Do you like the peacock? Do you know how to make him dance for you?
生:We can clap our hands or show him a colorful handkerchief. As soon as he sees it, he will show his beautiful tail for us.
师:What can you learn from this example? How many organs and systems take part in? And what are they?
生:When the peacock sees the handkerchief he gets some information through his eyes (vision). His brain explains and organizes these information again. Then the brain give the order. As a result, we can see his beautiful tail.
综合学生的回答后,得出结论:So the formation of animal behior depends not only on the motor organs to participate but also the nervous system and endocrine system to regulate and control.
Nervous regulation神经调节。
师:The nervous system consists of brain、spinal cord and nerves. How can the nervous system control the animal behior? Here is a well-known experiment about a kind of fish called “Sanciyu”.
师:The male fish’s belly turns red when the reproductive season comes. The males receive the red signals through their eyes. As a result, their nervous system give the order to find each other to fight. All these are controlled by nervous system.