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img src="www.7ctime.com/UploadFiles/2014-02/2/20142178042294351.jpg" alt="互文性视角下的英语新闻标题翻译" />【摘 要】新闻是我们了解世界每日动态的窗口和平台,而新闻标题则被称为新闻的“魂”和“眼”。笔者根据之前各学者研究和自己对新闻标题中修辞格运用特征的分析,将新闻标题中运用的修辞格分为四类,即音效修辞、形式修辞、语意修辞以及意象修辞,然后结合具体的例子从互文性视角对它们的翻译进行分析。


Most of the previous researches concentrate on the detailed analysis of the lexical, syntactical and discourse features. The theory of intertextuality furnishes us with a new perspective on the understanding of texts. In the words of Kristeva(1969:146), every text is constructed as a mosaic of citations, every text is an absorption and tranormation of other texts.i This paper aims to: a) to provide a tentative classification of rhetoric devices in the particular context of news headlines according to various previous studies and a rather detailed analysis of the effects the news writer tries to achieve by using some specific rhetoric device,b) to understand the reconstruction of intertextuality during the process of the translation of these rhetoric devices applied in the news headlines by analyzing some typical examples from each of the four groups.
2.The Rhetoric Characteristics of Headlines
Webster’s Third New International Dictionary: A head of a newspaper story or article is usually printed in large type and devised to summarize, give essential information about, or interest readers in reading the story or article that follows.
According to their rhetoric characteristics and the effects they try to achieve, the researcher has classified rhetoric devices into four groups as follows:
Group 1: phonetic rhetoric
From study, the researcher has found out that phonetic rhetoric encompasses mainly four kinds of rhetoric devices, namely, alliteration, end rhyme, assonance and consonance. William Somerset Maugham once said, “If you could write lucidly, simply, euphoniously and yet with liveliness you would write perfectly.”(Maugham, 1949:36). Of course, Maugham did not refer specifically to the writing of headlines when he put forward this idea. Nevertheless, the author firmly believes there is no idea more appropriate to describe the writing of headlines as his saying is互文性视角下的英语新闻标题翻译相关范文由写论文的好帮手www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留. inclusive of all the indispensable elements of headlines, including lucidity, simplicity and euphony.
1)Alliteration: Alliteration is the recurrence of the same initial sound (not necessarily letter) in words in close succession. As are applied in the following examples:
* Stars Smoke, Critics论文导读:esatChristmas(狄更斯笔下的伦敦在圣诞节复活)4)Consonance:Consonancereferstotherepetitionofconsonantsinsuccessivewords.*Shocks,NotFrocks(不足蔽体只可骇汗)*IfItSatiiestheLipsItWillAirontheHips(口无遮拦肥臀难当)*U.S.SchoolgirlsYearnforHalf-skirts,Mini
Fume 明星荧屏吞云吐雾,批评之声不绝于耳)
* Great Goals, Great Fans (进球精彩,球迷狂热)* Suns Sweeps Spurs to Reach West Finals (太阳横扫马刺获得西部冠军)
2)End rhyme: End rhyme refers to words that rhyme on their “end” or last syllable.
* Germany Ready, Fans Happy (德国整装待发,球迷心花怒放)
* Cameron Seals the Deal (卡梅伦成为英国首相)
* Young Wheelers, Big Dealers (骑摩托车的小青年,保险业的大主顾)
3)Assonance: Assonance means the use of the same or related vowel sounds in successive words.
* McDonald’s Goes for Gold with Olympic Sponsorships (携手奥运,麦当劳的掘金路)
* When Artists Distort History (艺术家岂可扭曲事实)
* Dickens’ London Still Lives at Christmas (狄更斯笔下的伦敦在圣诞节复活)
4)Consonance: Consonance refers to the repetition of consonants in successive words.
* Shocks, Not Frocks (不足蔽体只可骇汗)
* If It Satiies the Lips It Will Air on the Hips (口无遮拦肥臀难当)
* U.S. Schoolgirls Yearn for Half-skirts, Mini-skirts(美国女生想穿露脐装和迷你裙)
Phonetic rhetoric always creates a euphonious and musical effect for they sound catchy and rhythmic. This particular kind of rhetoric devices is applied for it can make the headlines appear to be more attractive, impressive and creative. Additionally, it can also help us to express our wishes and emotion in a stronger way. For example, in “Germany Ready, Fans Happy”, it sounds catchy upon hearing it, and it also help magnify the happiness of the fans. According to linguistic study, consonants like /p/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ are e互文性视角下的英语新闻标题翻译由提供海量免费论文范文的www.7ctime.com,希望对您的论文写作有帮助.ffective in making the brief headlines more strong and striking; while consonants such as /s/ /f/ /sh/ /v/ /tr/ /th/ /ts/ are conducive in expressing tender feelings as can be illustrated from the above examples.
Group 2: Stylistic rhetoric
In this group, the researcher only explores one rhetoric device which is of common use in English headlines.
Antithesis: Antithesis is the contrast of meaning by paralleli of strongly contrasted words. It can make the headlines look neat and concise in structure, and contrasted in meaning.
* It Was the Best of Cups, It Was the Worst of Cups(毁誉参半)
* Ronald Dizzy, Germans Giddy(罗纳尔多头晕,德国球迷疯狂)
* If the Economy Stays Down, Can Conservatives Stay up?(经济持续不好,保守党宝座还能不倒?)
Group 3: Semantic rhetoric
1)Pun: pun makes use of a word that has two meanings or of different words that sound the same.
* Couple Say “Eye Do” (饱览美景,喜结连理)
* Foul Ball: France Wins Ugly Contest(肮脏的球—法国赢得丑陋)
* Argentina Keep Feet on the Ground(阿根廷脚踏实地)
2)Allusion: Allusion is some historical or fictional person or event which论文导读:canmakeevenbetteruseoftheconceptofintertextuality.上一页1234下一页
has a dramatic and vivid connotation and is often used in speech and writing.互文性视角下的英语新闻标题翻译相关范文由写论文的好帮手www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留.The translation of news headlines is more of a trans-linguistic and trans-cultural activity so that we should attach more importance to the extra linguistic factors. That’s why the author feels the necessity to introduce the concept of intertextuality in the following part.
3.2 Intertextuality and the Translation of Rhetoric Devices
The introduction of intertextuality into translation studies has set demanding standards in the translation field while it furnishes translators with a novel understanding of the original texts.
1)Vertical intertextuality and Horizontal intertextuality. It was Julia Kristeva who coined the term "intertextuality" and formerly introduced it in a famous French magazine called Tel Quel. According to her, intertextuality means "the insertion of history(society) into a text and of this text into history."(Kristeva 1986:39). We can also learn from her essay Word, Dialogue, Novel that intertextuality can be divided into two types, namely, the vertical intertextual relations between a text and those which precede and follow it in the chain of texts on the one hand, and the horizontal intertextual relations between the author and the reader of a text.
2)Intratextuality and intertextuality. Intratextuality means relations互文性视角下的英语新闻标题翻译由优秀论文网站www.7ctime.com提供,助您写好论文.hip which exists between elements in a given text. While intertextuality refers to the relationship which exists between different texts.(Hatim and Mason,1990)In other words, a text cannot exist alone, it has to be related to other sources, which may be the citation of historic event, the quoting of a poem or proverb, or the influence of a lately launched film, etc.
Rhetoric devices are carriers of rich indigenous culture. Another example which belong to Group 1 is “Missing Mike” (the Economist) makes use of alliteration to show peoples’ fondness of him after he left the media and data business to become mayor of New York. The literal meaning of this headline can be translated as“想念迈克”. How we can translate it without losing its original flor, and we finally settle upon “缅怀迈克”.In group 2, in the case of antithesis, we can use a similar rhetoric device named “dui’ou”(对偶) to replace it in the process of translation. In group 3, as far as semantic rhetoric devices are concerned, we can make even better use of the concept of intertextuality.论文导读:范大学,2002.丁建海,艾国平.广告语篇翻译的互文性研究.东华理工大学学报(社会科学版),2009(2).胡桂绪,刘洪泉.从《华盛顿邮报》看英语新闻标题的修辞特色.科技信息(学术研究),2006(11).李梅红.在互文性的指导下进行广告套译.福建省外国语文学会2005年年会暨学术研讨会论文集.200


All rhetoric devices in this group are significantly influenced by historical events and figures, proverbs, literary masterpiece, famous speeches, popular movies etc.. When translating headlines boasting the feature of semantic rhetoric, we he to take serious consideration of their deep cultural connotation and the interplay between two different cultures. For example, a headline from Washington Times, “Mideast Humpty Dumpty”, translators may be quite confused at first sight, what’s the meaning of “Humpty Dumpty”? As a matter of fact, it’s cited from an English nursery rhyme:Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the king’s horses,
And all the king’s men,
Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again.
As can be analyzed from its citation, Humpty Dumpty is an egg-shaped Punchinello who tumbled in shatters and cannot be recovered again. The news writer cites it here to express the urgent and dangerous situation in Mideast. Therefore it can be translated as “中东局势,危如累卵”.(冯翠华,1995:229)Group 4 is about imagic rhetoric devices, through the application of which can present a vivid image in the reader’s mind. All the rhetoric devices in this group can mirror different angles of the society.


In conclusion, the author admits that this study is quite tentative as studies in this area are few and novel. This paper aims to: Firstly,互文性视角下的英语新闻标题翻译论文资料由论文网www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留地址. to facilitate the extensive news readership a better and easy understanding during the process of obtaining the information; secondly, to enable the extensive news readership to enjoy the fine art of beautiful rhetoric devices while obtaining basic information in spite of all the differences existing in the cultures of English-spoken countries and Chinese-spoken countries. Thirdly, to propose a new angle of study in this area.
i Basil Hatim &Ian Mason,Discourse and the Translator.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Press.200



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[2]Newmark, Peter, Approaches to Translation [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 2001.