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【摘 要】As we know that people usually express their feelings or emotions with the plants or animals however the same thing in different culture often has different connotations.
【关键词】culture; connotation; language;words
Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it. Some social scientists consider it the keystone of culture. Without language, they maintain, culture would not be possible. On the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture, and it reflects culture as well. In the broadest sense, language is the symbolic representation of a people, and it comprises their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking. And as vocabulary is the basic element of a language, culture difference can be most readily shown on the vocabulary of different languages.
Generally speaking there are two mainstream cultures in the world, i.e. western culture and Chinese culture. People from different countries and China may he different understanding of many things due to different geographical background, custom, religion, means of value, etc. And this difference can be found in the language they speak, i.e. English and Chinese. In English and Chinese vocabulary one may find some names of animals plants that contain 高中英语教学中通过学习中英文化差异进一步提升英语学习兴趣相关范文由写论文的好帮手www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留.cultural connotations, such as the word dragon in western culture and the Chinese dragon, owl, willow, bamboo, phoenix, etc.
In English and Chinese there are some words that may superficially mean the same, but once put in the culture environment, they would contain absolutely different connotations. Some animals or plants may originally existed only in one particular place, while people of other places would find it hard to understand them, as there is no such image in their mind, such as “litchi” and “tea” in China. People may find that some animals or plants of one culture look very alike with those of another culture, but actually they are totally different, such as the animal “dragon” in western culture and the Chinese dragon. Still one may find the same animal or plant in different cultures, but as they belong to different cultures, their culture connotations are also different. Animals and plants like the owl, the willow and the bamboo are such a case.
First, let us look at what a dragon is. In western culture, a dragon is a huge lizard that has two wings, scales and shells and a snake's ta论文导读:dragon”Someveryfamousheroesandreligioussagesgainedtheirreputationbykillingwildandcrueldragons.InthefirstEnglishepicTheSongofBeowulf,thegreatnationalheroBeowulfsedhispeopleandobtainedalargeamountoftreasurebykillingadragon.Sowecanseethat“dragon”
il. It can produce fire from its mouth. During the Medieval Age, the dragon was the symbol of evil. It can eat human beings and animals and threaten people's life by bringing out fire and floods. Therefore in western culture and literature, the dragon has a very bad image. In the Bible, Santa, a devil fighting against God, was called as “the great dragon” Some very famous heroes and religious sages gained their reputation by killing wild and cruel dragons. In the first English epic The Song of Beowulf, the great national hero Beowulf sed his people and obtained a large amount of treasure by killing a dragon. So we can see that “dragon” in general a very cruel and evil animal that symbols the devil.高中英语教学中通过学习中英文化差异进一步提升英语学习兴趣由专注毕业论文与职称论文的www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留.高中英语教学中通过学习中英文化差异进一步提升英语学习兴趣论文资料由论文网www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留地址.高中英语教学中通过学习中英文化差异进一步提升英语学习兴趣相关范文由写论文的好帮手{#GetFullDomain}提供,转载请保留.高中英语教学中通过学习中英文化差异进一步提升英语学习兴趣相关范文由写论文的好帮手{#GetFullDomain}提供,转载请保留.高中英语教学中通过学习中英文化差异进一步提升英语学习兴趣相关论文由www.7ctime.com收集,如需论文可联系我们.由优秀论文网站www.7ctime.com提供,助您写好论文.