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【摘要】 目的:观察微泵持续湿化法对气管切开患者的护理效果。策略:70例行气管切开术的患者随机分为微泵组和对照组。微泵组患者使用微泵持续注射无菌生理盐水湿化气道,对照组患者则使用间歇法湿化气道。记录两组患者术后3 d的痰液黏稠度,记录两组患者导管堵塞发生率和肺部感染发生率。结果:微泵组痰液黏稠度为Ⅰ度和Ⅱ度的患者比对照组的患者多,微泵组痰液黏稠度为Ⅲ度的患者则比对照组的患者少;微泵组患者导管堵塞发生率明显低于对照组;微泵组肺部感染发生率也比对照组低,差异均有统计学作用(P<0.05)。结论:微泵持续湿化法对气管切开患者的护理效果优于传统间歇气道湿化法。
【关键词】 微泵持续气道湿化; 间歇气道湿化; 气管切开
B 文章编号 1674-6805(2014)24-0075-02
Nursing Effect of Micropump Continuous Airway Moist on the Patients Underwent Tracheotomy/CHEN Liu-zhen,LIANG Jin-xiao,YOU Li-ying,et al.//Chinese and Foreign Medical Research,2014,12(24):75-76
【Abstract】 Objective:To observe the nursing effect of micropump continuous airway moist on the patients underwent tracheotomy.Method:70 patients underwent tracheotomy were randomly divided into two groups,Micropump group and Control group.In the Micropump group,micropump continuous airway moist was carried out for the patients.In the Control group,intermittent airway moist was carried out for the patients.The sputum stickiness of 3 day after tracheotomy were recorded in both groups.The incidence of catheter obstruction and lung infection were recorded in both groups.Result:The patients with the sputum stickiness of Ⅰ and Ⅱ degree in Micropump group was more than those in Control group.The patients with the sputum stickiness of Ⅲ degree in Micropump group was less than those in Control group.The incidence of cathet微泵持续湿化法对气管切开患者的护理效果由优秀论文网站www.7ctime.com提供,助您写好论文.er obstruction and lung infection in Micropump group were lower than it in Control group,the differences all were statistical significance(P<0.05).Conclusion:Micropump continuous airway moist is superior to intermittent airway moist for nursing the patients underwent tracheotomy.
【Key words】 Micropump continuous airway moist; Intermittent airway moist; Tracheotomy
First-author’s address:Dongguan Liaobu Hospital,Dongguan 523400,China
1 资料与策略

1.1 一般资料


1.2 策略

微泵组患者气管切开后使用微泵持续注射无菌生理盐水于气管内,具体策略如下:取一个50 ml的注射器,抽取50 ml无菌生理盐水,之后拔去针头并与输液延长管连接,而延长管另外一端则连接头皮针,但头皮针的针头剪去,接着头皮针软管放入切开导管内3~5 cm,其余部分管路弯曲并固定好。整个操作过程遵守无菌。初始输注速度为6~8 ml/h,4 h后根据痰液性状可随时调整输注速度[4]。此外,微泵组患者应定期更换湿化液和注射器,大约6~8 h一次。同时前端头皮针细管和延长管也应每日更换。如一经发现已污染则即时变换。而使用过程中则应注意避开管道打折、受压,确保管道通畅。当微泵报警时尽早处理。由专注毕业论文与职称论文的www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留. 全文地址:www.7ctime.com/ssshllw/lw39869.html上一论文:分析综合护理干预在小儿支气管肺炎中的应用效果