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[摘要] 目的 探讨PDCA循环管理模式对改善留置T管引流患者焦虑情绪的作用。 策略 将60例T管引流患者分为实验组(2013年9月~2014年3月)和对照组(2013年3~8月),对照组采用常规护理策略,实验组在常规护理的基础上,运用PDCA循环法对患者进行护理。采用国际认证的Zung焦虑自评量表于术后第3天及出院后拔管前1 d进行焦虑评分,采用科室医护人员设计的《留置T管患者满意度调查表》进行满意度评价。比较两组患者的焦虑及满意度情况。 结果 实验组和对照组术后第3天评分分别为(46.25±9.49)、(51.08±10.66)分,组间比较,差异无统计学作用(P = 0.069);拔管前1 d评分分别为(41.58±7.95)、(47.83±6.92)分,组间比较,差异有高度统计学作用(P = 0.002)。实验组患者拔管前1 d焦虑程度评分明显低于术后第3天,差异有统计学作用(P = 0.043);对照组患者拔管前1 d焦虑程度评分稍低于术后第3天,差异无统计学作用(P = 0.167)。实验组拔管前1 d满意度为96.67%,对照组满意度为80.00%,实验组满意度高于对照组,差异有统计学作用(P = 0.049)。 结论 采用PDCA循环管理模式可减轻患者的焦虑情绪,提高患者满意度。
[关键词] PDCA循环管理模式;T管;焦虑
[] B [文章编号] 1673-7210(2015)01(a)-0113-04
Application of PDCA cycle management model in improving patients′anxiety in patients with T tube drainage
ZHOU ChunjiaoLIU Ming▲LIN LijunCAI ShixiaLI ShufenZOU XiujuanCAI Bingqin
Department of Hepatopancreatobiliary, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Tradition Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou510120, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the PDCA cycle management model for improving the role of patients′anxiety in patients with T tube drainage. Methods 60 cases with T tube drainage were randomly divided into experimental group (from September 2013 to March 2014, using conventional care method + applying PCDA cycle management) and control group (from March to August 2013, using conventional care method). The anxiety score was adopted by Zung self-rating anxiety scale in the third day after surgery and the day before removing tube. The satiaction was evaluated by the indwelling T tube patients′satiaction questionnaire designed by medical staff. The anxiety situation and satiaction in two groups were compared. Results The scores were (46.25±9.49) scores and (51.08±10.66) scores in experimental group and control group in the third day after surgery, there was no statistically significant difference (P = 0.069). The scores were (41.58±7.95) scores and (47.83±6.92) scores in experimental group and control group in the day before removing tube, there was statistically significant difference (P = 0.002). In experimental group, the anxiety score in the day before removing tube was significantly lower than in third day after surgery, there was statistically significant difference (P = 0.043). In control group, the anxiety score in the day before removing tube was a little bit lower than in third day after surgery, there was no statistically significant difference (P = 0.167). The satiaction were 96.67% and 80.00%论文导读:inexperimentalgroupandcontrolgroupinthedaybeforeremovingtube,therewasstatisticallysignificantdifference(P=0.049).ConclusionPDCAcyclemanagementmodelcanreducepatients′anxietyandimprovepatients′satiaction.上一页12
in experimental group and control group in the day before removing tube, there was statistically significant difference (P = 0.049). Conclusion PDCA cycle management model can reduce patients′anxiety and improve patients′satiaction.