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最后更新时间:2024-02-18 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:7798 浏览:24725
摘 要:无目的城市主义与城市化发展的病态趋势,在“拆”与“盖”的反复间产生出的是资源垃圾,在某种程度上,我国进入了“建筑的”时代。在我国,因社会环境的复杂性与特殊性,对建筑空间需求量的达到了一种靠用手来解决的膨胀鼎盛期,城市建筑空间迅速膨胀。建筑空间体量的增长与建筑本体“昙花一现”的生命力之间形成巨大反差。建筑本体短命的特质成为建筑装饰装修的的短板;同时建筑空间参与者的多样性在某一程度上促使建筑空间的装饰装修从功能型向消费型转变。消费型的建筑空间装饰装修现象的出现的理由是多方面的:一是经济基础的发展提供多样生活方式的选择,择美水平不断提高;二是建筑空间的参与者的流动更替衍生出空间功能的置换;三是由于社会环境的特殊性与我国装饰材料与施工技术的先天不足引起建筑空间装饰装修的“畸形生长”;四是建筑本体的“衰老度”的特征在一定程度影响建筑空间的装饰装修维护管理的匮乏;五是我国建筑空间装饰装修设计先天不足与唯经济价值至上的设计观念,业界逐渐出现以生搬硬套、刻意模仿为特色的“设计风向标”。
检 索:e to the era of the building climax . In our country, because of the comp lexity and particularity of social environment, the desire of the demand of the architectural space has reach to the tim e of the peak period which is solved by our hand .The space of city has expand quickly. Architectural space dimensio n of growth and a huge contrast between the vitality of ontology "a flash in the pan". The feature of Building’s shortliving become building decoration’ short slap; At the same time ,the diversity of the building space to a certain exte nt prompted the architectural space decoration from functional to the consumer.The reasons of the phenomenon of consumer decoration can be listed as follows: Firstly , the development of the economic foundation provides divers e lifestyle choices, the aesthetic level improved continuously .Secondly, the flow replacement of the participants of t he architectural space of change derived function of displacement space; Thirdly it is due to the particularity of the s ocial environment and our country congenital deficiency of decorative materials and construction technology of arc hitectural space decoration "hyperplasia"; Fourthly, is characteristic of building ontology "senescence" to a certain d egree of influence of architectural space adornment decorates the lack of maintenance and management; The fifth because of the design idea that is the supremacy of economic value t the industry developed which are characterize d by derivative, imitating the barometer "design". 全文地址:www.7ctime.com/nygclw/lw49057.html上一论文:简论建筑工程中的防渗漏技术