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Follow-up study of anxiety and depression with analysis of socio-psychological factors in pregnant and postpartum periods
Yin Yan
Huang-dao People’s Hospital,Qingdao(266400),China
Abstract: Objective:To explore anxiety and depression with analysis of socio-psychological factors in pregnant and postpartum periods.Methods:180 cases were selected form our hospital during July 2012 and January 2014 whose gestation> 18 weeks,and all pregnant women are given the same care, prenatal factors using questionnaires and General Hospital Anxiety / Depression (HAD) Emotional Test table of selected pregnant women investigation; and women were followed up for a period of three months after childbirth, the amount of use of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression table, respectively, in the postpartum 3-5d, postpartum 1 mon孕期和产后焦虑、抑郁的随访及社会心理因素论文资料由论文网www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留地址.th and 3 months postpartum survey the incidence of maternal postpartum depression.Results:Perinatal depression / anxiety HAD Scale detection rate was 10.0%, EPDS scales detection rate was 10.6%, two scales the result was not statistically significant (X? = 0.037, P> 0.05); postpartum 3-5d , post-natal and post-natal month a three month period, measured maternal depression / anxiety detection rate comparison results were (X? = 0.142, P> 0.05), (X? = 0.071, P> 0.05), (X? = 0.204 , P> 0.05), no significant difference in the detection result HAD scale and EPDS scale. Anxiety during pregnancy / postpartum anxiety 3-5d relevant, pregnancy and post-partum depression, a month of depression correlated statistically significant, other related analysis results were not statistically significant.Conclusion:Perinatal depression and anxiety as a production period of postpartum depression / anxiety predicted based, pregnancy or other negative emotions may be a direct result of adverse reactions postpartum depression, so pregnant women, family doctors and health measures should论文导读:beconfirmedpregnantaftertakingsciencetoeffectivelypreventtheoccurrenceofpostpartumdepression.孕期和产后焦虑、抑郁的随访及社会心理因素由优秀论文网站www.7ctime.com提供,助您写好论文.上一页12
be confirmed pregnant after taking science to effectively prevent the occurrence of postpartum depression.孕期和产后焦虑、抑郁的随访及社会心理因素由优秀论文网站{#GetFullDomain}提供,助您写好论文.