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What’s the allure of coffee shops? It’s been said that J. K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books sitting in one in Edinburgh.
Many people spend hours in these places nursing a coffee as they work away on their laptops. But if you’re spending all day buying one expensive coffee after another and hen’t sold your first novel yet, the costs can really add up.
For those who work outside of a traditional office or just want to take time out, there’s a new alternative[可供选择的事物] in London: a pay-per-minute café.
You can linger for as long as you like in the Ziferblat注coffee shop. You’ll be given a clock when you come in to keep time. When you lee, you return the item[商品] and pay the bill.
The cost of hanging out, eating, working and meeting new people in the place is three pence per minute—or £1.80 an hour. The shop’s owner, Ivan Meetin, says: “Everything’s free, except the time you spend there.”
Customers help themselves to coffee and cookies. They can also bring their own food to eat on the premises while accessing[接通] the Internet through wi-fi.
Meetin’s customers clearly are not the types who rush to work with a paper cup to drink from at their desks. They are there for the ambience. The new coffee shop’s atmosphere is relaxed and a bit bohemian. Informality[不拘礼仪] is at the heart of Meetin’s concept. He’s always loved the idea of building his own house. “With my mates, we were building treehouses where rules of society didn’t exist,” he says.
Meetin believes his coffee shop is a bit like “social media,” but with a face. Like-minded people go there to socialise[进行社交活动]. Some feel so much at home that they wash the dishes.
The concept of coffee shops, where you pay for the time and not for the cup, has proved popular in Russia. Ziferblat is part of a Russian chain. Only time will tell if the British will warm to the idea.
I’d like to try it at least once. Who knows—I might even start writing my own novel. If coffee shops are good enough for J. K. Rowling to spend quality time in, why can’t I?
咖啡店有何魅力?据说J. K. 罗琳就是坐在爱丁堡一家咖啡店里写出《哈利·波特》系列小说的。
很多人在这些地方一边慢慢享用咖啡,一边在笔记本电脑前工作。但如果咖啡买了一杯又一杯,自己的第一本小说却卖不出去,那么累计的花费可能很高哦。 全文地址:www.7ctime.com/lywhlw/lw33316.html上一论文:谈剖析河北秧歌文化中的民间年节仪式