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Effect of multiple psychological intervention on the psychological, emotional and sexual function of patients with laparoscopic uterus extensive resectionYUAN Ling, WANG Xiudi, ZHANG Jing. Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, First People's Hospital of Hangzhou, Hangzhou 310006, China
【Abstract】Objectives: To observe and investigate the influence of multiple psychological intervention on the psychological, emotional and sexual function of patients with laparoscopic uterus extensive resection. Methods:Sixty多形式化心理干预对腹腔镜子宫广切患者心理、情绪及性功能状态的影响观察相关范文由写论文的好帮手www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留.-eight patients with laparoscopic uterus extensive resection hing received treatment in our hospital from May 2012 to April 2013 were selected as research objects and divided into control group (routine psychological intervention group) and observation group (polymorphic type psychological intervention group) randomly with 34 cases in each group. The psychological, emotional and sexual function of the 2 groups at different time before and after the intervention were evaluated respectively with hospital anxiety and depression scale, profile of mood states and female sexual function evaluation table, then the evaluation results of the 2 groups were compared. Results:The evaluation results of hospital anxiety and depression scale and profile of mood states of observation group at different time after the intervention were all better than those of the control group, and all the indexes of female sexual function evaluation table were also higher than those of the control group,with significant difference (all P<0.05). Conclusion: The influence of multiple psychological intervention on the psychological, emotional and sexual function of patients with laparoscopic uterus extensive resection are better than those of routine psychological intervention, thusly more helpful for the postoperative recovery of patients.
【Key words】Multiple psychological intervention; Laparoscopic uterus extensive resection; Psychological state; Emotional state; Sexual function state
临床中对于妇科手术对患者的各方面的影响并不少见,而子宫广切作为妇科常见术式,对其相关研究更为多见,且随着腹腔镜技术在此类手术中的应用,其对患者的不良影响进一步得到减小,但是其作为有创性治疗,患者的各方面应激表现仍较为明显,其中心理、情绪及性功能状态均是此类手术患者表现较为突出的方面,因此即成为临床干预的重点之一[1]。本文中我们即就多形式化心理干预对腹腔镜子宫广切患者心理、情绪及性功能状态的影响进行观察,具体观察结果分析如下。多形式化心理干预对腹腔镜子宫广切患者心理、情绪及性功能状态的影响观察由专注毕业论文与职称论文的www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留. 全文地址:www.7ctime.com/xfxlxlw/lw30112.html上一论文:阐释慢性乙型肝炎患者首次住院抗病毒治疗的心理及护理策略