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最后更新时间:2024-04-01 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:28233 浏览:131455
The future of written English will owe more to Hollywood films than Dickens or Shakespeare, if the findings of a study into children's writing are anything to go by.
Researchers who looked at the entries to a national competition found that their written work was littered with American English, exclamation marks and references to celebrities. They were increasingly using American words such as garbage, trash can, sidewalk, candy, sneakers, soda, cranky and flashlight.
The writings, written by pupils aged 7 to 13, show how fairy cakes are referred to as cupcakes and a dinner jacket has become a tuxedo. “Smart” is now often used for “clever” and “cranky” for “irritable”.
Celebrity culture also has a powerful influence on children’s work, with Simon Cowell and Argentinian footballer Lionel Messi among the famous names cropping up repeatedly.
Pupils are let down by basic spelling, punctuation and grammar, according to the study by Oxford University Press, which looked英国孩子爱用美式英语由优秀论文网站www.7ctime.com提供,助您写好论文. at the entries to BBC Radio 2’s “500 Words” competition. Children stumbled over simple spellings such as “does” and “clothes” and are unable to use the past tense correctly, often saying “rised” instead of “rose” or “thinked” instead of “thought”.
Researchers also found that punctuation was underused, especially semicolons and speech marks. Some did not know how to use capital letters. However, exclamation marks were overused. Researchers found 35,171 examples in total, with some young writers using five at a time.
Popular US works such as the vampire novels and films are thought to be fuelling the increasing use of American vocabulary and spelling.
Modern technology was also influential. Out of almost 300 references to “blackberry”, nearly half referred to mobile phones.
研究人员阅读了英国作文比赛的参赛作品后发现,这些书面作品中到处都是美式英语、感叹号和名人的名字。作文中越来越多地使用美式英语词汇,如:garbage(垃圾)、trash can(垃圾桶)、sidewalk(人行道)、candy(糖果)、sneakers(运动鞋)、soda(苏打水)、cranky(暴躁不安的)和flashlight(手电筒)。
这些作文是由7岁至13岁的小学生写的,从中可见小学生们用“fairy cake”(仙女蛋糕)来指代“cupcake”(纸杯蛋糕),晚礼服的说法也从“tuxedo”变成了“dinner jacket”。“art”取代英式英语“clever”,“cranky”取代“irritable”(易怒的)。
refer to as:被称为;被认为
crop up:突然出现
stumble over:给……绊倒