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摘要 为推动海南省中西部乡镇的科技发展,支持产业结构调整,推动农业增效和农民增收,海南省科学技术厅2010年设立了《海南省中西部市县科技副乡镇长派遣计划项目》。笔者自2012年12月起在琼中黎族苗族自治县红毛镇挂职担任为期1年的科技副镇长,主要负责科技培训、沼气建设、农业扶贫等方面工作。通过亲身的工作经历为当地的科技尤其是农业发展取得一定成效的同时,也发现了一些存在的理由,并提出相应的倡议,以供参考。
关键词 挂职;农业发展;科技副镇长;海南山区
A 文章编号 1007-5739(2013)22-0301-02
Discussion on the Role of Agricultural Development Brought by the Temporary Post of Scientific and Technological Vice-mayor in Hainan Mountainous Areas
ZHU Jia-li 1 FU Ming-jing 2 WANG Xiu-quan 3 FAN Gao-jun 1
(1 Rubber Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences,Danzhou Hainan 571737; 2 People′s Government of Hongm论挂职科技副镇长对海南山区农业发展所起的意义由优秀论文网站www.7ctime.com提供,助您写好论文.ao Town,Qiongzhong Li and Miao Autonomous County; 3 Experimental Farm,Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences)
Abstract In order to promote the scientific and technological development of middle and western towns in Hainan province,support the adjustment in industrial structures,improve agricultural efficiency and farmers income,the project of sending scientific vice-mayors to middle and western towns in Hainan province was established by science and technology department of Hainan province in 2010.The author took the post of scientific and technological vice-mayor in People′s government of Hongmao town,Qiongzhong Li and Miao autonomous county from December 2012 for one year and was responsible for the aspects of science and technology trainings,methane constructions,agricultural poverty alleviation and so on. While making the progress in local science and technology especially agricultural development through personal experiences,some existing problems were discovered at the same time and corresponding suggestions were proposed for reference.
Key words temporary post;agricultural development;scientific and technological vice-mayor;Hainan mountain
1 红毛镇概况
红毛镇坐落于海南省琼中黎族苗族自治县西部,行政区域面积为1.47万hm2,有17座海拔500 m以上的五指山延伸山脉,森林覆盖率近80%,是天然的大氧吧。作为白沙起义的策源地和黎苗族群众聚居地区,有着丰富的旅游探险资源和独特的民族民俗文化[3]。截至2012年,辖区内有11个村委会、51个村小组和1个镇农场,共有1 943户,总人口8 832人,其中劳动力5 537人(见表1)。论文资料由论文网www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留地址. 全文地址:www.7ctime.com/kxxlw300z/lw8781.html上一论文:试述科学方法转化理由学生