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【摘要】 目的:探讨幼儿不同气质特征对情绪社会性发展的影响,为科学育儿提供依据。策略 :采用随机整群抽样与分层抽样相结合的策略,在辖区所属两个街道抽取410名24~36月龄儿童为调查对象,采用《中国城市儿童情绪社会性发展评估量表》、《12~36月儿童气质问卷(CPTS)》对幼儿家长进行现况调查,并对所得数据进行统计学分析。结果 :观察组(存在情绪社会性理由儿童)83人中,易养型、中间偏易养型、中间偏难养型、启动缓慢型、难养型所占百分比分别为16.9%、28.9%、7.2%、26.5%、20.5%;对照组327人中,气质各型所占百分比分别为36.4%、55%、1.2%、4.3%、3.1%;观察组与对照组气质特征差异有显著性(P<0.05),观察组儿童中难养型和启动缓慢型的所占比例高于其他气质类型,且在节律性、趋避型、适应性、反应强度、情绪本质、注意分散度这六个维度得分与对照组差异显著(P<0.05)。结论 :启动缓慢型与难养型幼儿发生情绪社会性问题风险高,应根据其气质特征制定科学的育儿方案。
【关键词】 幼儿;气质特征;社会情绪
Research on the influence of temperamental distribution on social-emotional problems
XU Jinjin, YANG Yuming
The Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Guangming New District(518107), Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China
【Abstract】 0bjective:To explore the Influence of temperamental characteristics of children on social-emotional problems, providing the scientific basis for parenting. Methods The number of 410 children aged 24~36 month old were selected by random cluster sampling and stratified sampling from the two streets of Guangming new District. Surveying the distribution of preschool children’s temperament and social-emotional problem by 《Social and emotional assesent of Chinese city children》、《China National 12~36 Months Children’s Temperament Scale and Questionnaire》.then analysis the data. Results There are 83 children in the observation group, and 327 children in the contrast group, the separate proportion of E-type、I-E type 、I-D type 、S-type and D-type in the observation group are 16.9%、28.9%、7.2%、26.5%、20.5%;and the separate proportion are 36.4%、55%、1.2%、4.3%、3.1% in the contrast group There was significant difference of children’s temperament types between the observation group and contrast group(P<0.05).the proportion of S-type and D-type increased significantly in observation group , the score of rhythmicity、approach/withdrawal、adaptability、reactive intensity、mood and distraction has significant difference between the observation group and contrast group(P<0.05). Conclusions S-type and D-types accounting more than other on that has social-emotional problems, We should make scientific parenting plan according to their temperament characteristics .
【 key words 】 Toddler; Type of temperament; Social-Emotion
气质是典型的、稳定的心理活动的动力特征[1],气质使个体在应对外界刺激时具有独特的情绪反应,是儿童个性发展的基础。幼儿期幼儿气质特征对情绪社会性发展影响由优秀论文网站www.7ctime.com提供,助您写好论文.是个体生长发育过程中关键期,此期良好行为习惯、社会化以及心理品质的养成将影响个体终生,鉴于深圳市幼儿情绪社会性理由检出率较高[2],而气质特征在幼儿早期情绪发展和社会化的过程中具有导向作用,本次研究将探讨幼儿不同气质特征在情绪社会性理由发生中的作用,为本区制定科学育儿方案提供理论依据。相关范文由写论文的好帮手www.7ctime.com提供,转载请保留. 全文地址:www.7ctime.com/jtshxlw/lw36390.html上一论文:试议社会消防安全评价指标体系的构建与运转