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摘 要: 为了抑制共模故障和提高飞控计算机系统的可靠性,设计实现了一种二余度非相似的飞控计算机原型系统。首先,给出了该系统的硬件结构和原理,硬件结构包括基于PowerPC和X86处理器构成的主副通道、用于交叉通信的双口RAM、基于FPGA的仲裁模块等部分;其次,系统中的余度制约软件部分主要给出了任务同步和仲裁处理软件模块的软件实现流程图,这是非相似余度的关键理由;最后,在实现实物系统的基础上,开展了一系列的仿真实验,验证了该设计系统的可行性。
关键词: 非相似余度; 飞控计算机; PowerPC处理器; X86处理器
Design and realization of dual redundancy dissimilar flight control computer system based on PowerPC and Vortex86
TAO Xiang?lin, LU Xiong, YIN Bin
(College of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China)
Abstract: In order to oid the common mode faults and improve the reliability of the flight control computer (FCC) system, the prototype system of dual redundancy dissimilar FCC was designed and realized. Hardware structure and principle of the system are given. The hardware structure includes the primary and redundant control computers with PowerPC and Vortex86 processor, two?port RAM for cross communication and arbitration module based on FPGA. As for the redundancy control software in the system, the software flow charts for engineering realization of the task synchronization and the arbitration processing software module are given. These are the core sections of the system. Based on the realization of the proposed system, a series of simulation experiments of the proposed approach were carried out to verify the feasibility of the system.
Keywords: dissimilar redundancy; flight control computer; PowerPC processor; X86 processor
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1 系统硬件结构

1.1 主副计算机通道

(1) 主通道主要由X86处理器和串行接口的ADC模块(AD7908)构建。主通道通过PC104总线实现通信和资源扩展,所使用的是FreeDos操作系统。
(2) 副通道主要由PowerPC处理器和并行接口的ADC模块(AD7829)组成。副通道是通过LBC总线完成通信,使用的操作系统是Linux。
图1 系统硬件结构图

1.2 通信模块

图2 通信模块示意图
在图2中,主副通道通过PC104总线和LBC总线与双口RAM相连。双口RAM包含3个环形缓冲区[7],分别用于存放正常工作时采集的数据、FPGA发送过来的状态信号、故障发生时自检采集的数据。为了避开访问相同地址所造成的冲突,主副通道和FPGA在读写操作前通过读取双口RAM的状态信号来判断双口RAM是否工作[8]。 全文地址:www.7ctime.com/jsjgclw/lw43332.html上一论文:谈谈现代教育中的计算机科学技术应用