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根据欧共体“远距离教育与训练项目”(DGXIII)的有关文件,“支架式”教学策略被定义为:为学习者建构对知识的理解提供的一种“概念框架”(conceptual frame- work),这种框架中的“概念”是为发展学习者对理由的进一步理解所需要的,为此,事先要把复杂的学习任务加以分解,以便与学习者的理解逐步引向深入。



本教学案例选取的教学内容是《牛津高中英语》(译林版)模块二第一单元Boy Missing , Police Puzzled的阅读文本。该阅读文本为一则新闻报道,文章围绕一个叫Justin Foster的男孩失踪以及对其失踪是否与外星人有关的调查展开。文体结构图式与一般新闻报道完全符合,结构呈“倒金字塔”型。文章的导语部分(lead),为文章的第一段,作者陈述新闻报道涉及的人物(who)、事件(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、理由(why)等信息。在随后的正文(body)部分,作者按照重要性递减的顺序说明具体细节内容。新闻报道题材是我们生活中经常遇到且十分实用的文体,为此,笔者觉得有必要在阅读的基础上开设一节读与写结合的课型,以此推动学生的写作兴趣,从而巩固阅读教学的成果。
By the end of the lesson the Ss will be able to:
1. recall & retrieve chanks from Reading Boy Missing, Police Puzzled by grouping them;
2. retell the news story according to the guidelines to be provided;
3. he more language input through reading another mystery story and further be familiar with the features(特征)of a newspaper article;
4. produce a news story based on the outlines to be given.


为了顺利实现课堂学习目标,笔者以“任务驱动”的方式,先交给学生一项明确而又具体的现实任务,再通过设计系列“子任务”,最终完成下列写作练习Join in a comtribution contest(征文比赛)by writing a newspaper report.


Step 1: Cultivating your vocabulary(积累词汇)
In this step you are supposed to he a play with some key words and phrases from Boy Missing, Police Puzzled, for example, the word “missing”. It is used to describe something that cannot be found because it is not where it should be.
1. :an event which is either unpleasant or unusual2. :a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident
3. :to accept something to be true without question o论文导读:频,书面语中为3,000词频范围之内。教师在设计词汇活动时,为体现活动的趣味性,以竞赛的方式进行操作。Step2:Buildingyourstructure(理清结构)Here,youareexpectedtorecallthecontentsofthenewsstoryBoyMissing,PolicePuzzledbyanalysingthestructureofReading.【设计意图】回顾所读文本
r proof
4. :(especially of accidents and other unexpected events) to happen
5. :to arrive somewhere in order to join a group of people, especially late or unexpectedly
6. :someone whose job is to discover information about crimes and find out who is responsible for them
7. :one or more reasons for believing that something is or is not true
8. :to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering
9. :examine the facts about a problem or situation
10. :something strange or unknown which has not yet been explained or understood
Step 2:Building your structure(理清结构)
Here, you are expected to recall the contents of the news story Boy Missing, Police Puzzled by analysing the structure of Reading.
Step 3:Rereading & Discovering building blocks(丰富词块)
In Step Three you are to reread Boy Missing, Police Puzzled and find out verbs and time words related to the incident .





Step 4: More input & Understanding(增加输入)
You are given more language input and made familiar with how a news story is formed.
Task: Read the following passage and complete the reading tasks.
Chinese scientists are again becoming excited about the fact that a large hairy animal may live in central China. Now they hope it won’t be long before they are able to prove its existence. Such confidence is the result of a new discovery of the mystery animal in Hubei Province.
(When reading a news story, read the beginning carefully. Try to answer , , , ,
and . )
Some Chinese engineers, enjoying a holiday in a National Forest Park in Hubei, were driving down a road. As their bus turned a corner, the men were suddenly amazed by what they saw. Three tall animals, covered with long dark hair, were crossing the roads. On seeing the animals the engineers immediately stopped the car and ran after the animals. However, when they saw how the animals moved through the forest with amazing speed and strength, they didn’t dare to follow any further. To th论文导读:eirdisappointment,themendidn’ttakeanyphotographs.However,scientistsareexcitedbythediscovery,becausetheengineerswereallwell-educatedpeopleandscientisteeltheycanrelyonwhatthewitnessesdescribed.上一页123
eir disappointment, the men didn’t take any photographs. However, scientists are excited by the discovery, because the engineers were all well-educated people and scientists feel they can rely on what the witnesses described.