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摘 要 简要介绍了鉴相器的工作原理,系统分析了鉴相器在短波广播发射机调谐控制中的运用,并个人的工作实际,对鉴相器在发射机运行中出现的常见故障及处理方法总结论文格式范文模板。
关键词 鉴相器 短波广播发射机 二极管 载波
中图分类号:TN83 文献标识码:A
Application of Phase Detector in Shortwe Broadcast
Tranitter Tuning Control
YANG Zhongjue
(761 State of the Administration Radio, Yong'an, Fujian 366000)
Abstract This article briefly describes the working principle of the phase detector, the systematic analysis of the phase detector in the short we radio tranitter tuning control, combined with the individual's actual work, common faults and deal with the phase detector in the tranitter running and the summary of methods.
Key words phase detector; short we radio tranitter; diode; carrier we
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