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The Reflection of Measuring Method About the Volume of Coagulation-water in the

最后更新时间:2024-03-04 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:35780 浏览:160427
(Unit 89 in 92493 , Huludao, Liaoning 125000)
Abstract: When the compress-air bottle is used it appears a phenomenon that the coagulation-water is remained in the bottle. The coagulation-water not only will diminish th摘自:毕业论文摘要范文www.7ctime.com
e dimension of the compress-air bottle but also bring chemical reaction to affect the whole intensity, resistance to pressure and life of the bottle. A new opinion is brought forward about using gas status equation to compute coagulation-water the compress-air bottle, we can gain a master of the volume of coagulation-water and improve the accuracy of measuring. It is important to use the compress-air bottle with safety.
Key words: Compress-airCoagulation-waterGas status equation.
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