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最后更新时间:2024-03-27 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:12824 浏览:56039
【关键词】电力经济; 运行
【 abstract 】 the current, the electric power enterprise management more and more difficult, electric power enterprise yields fell in the alarming. Power in the modern society, as a highly integrated a technical foundation energy, is one of public products, so the electric power market in elastic demand, is different from many other products. Along with the power price change, power demand will then he bigger change, but no matter how much power prices, the change of power production line but would never be electricity price changes, the effects of the residents for the power demand will remain a roughly the same relatively fixed level.
【 keywords 】 electric power economy; operation

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电力技术(包括发电和输变电技术) 的突破和提高,电力大规模生产带来了电力生产效率和投资收益的提高。-以上为可参考的写作提示