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最后更新时间:2024-03-20 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:25811 浏览:118366
关键词: 地源热泵施工 经济分析节能
Abstract: Combination of the author of this paper the main points in the process of construction and maintenance of Gulf National Forest Park Co., Ltd. administrative building ground source heat pump system, focuses on the techniques of ground source heat pump system in the construction process and the maintenance of Noteadvantages and disadvantages between the side of the argument and the system with conventional air circulation system air conditioning.
Keywords: ground source heat pumps, construction focus of economic analysis, energy-sing.


地源热泵(GSHPS)是一个广义的术语,它包括了使用土壤、地下水和地表水作为热源和热汇的系统,即地下耦合热泵系统(ground-coupled heat pump systems, GCHPS),也叫地下热交换器地源热泵系统(ground heat exchanger);地下水热泵系统groundwater heat pumps, GWHPS);地表水热泵系统(surface water heat pumps, SWHPS)。-以上为可参考的写作提示