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最后更新时间:2024-03-17 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:22998 浏览:106463
摘要:讲述了我国经济的发展, 我国国有企业财务管理中遇到的问题越来越, 企业的经济效益也因此受到严重影响。 毕业论文格式要求。如何加强企业财务管理,努力降低企业成本, 为企业经营决策、准确的服务, 提高企业经济效益, 是企业财务管理人员亟待解决的问题。财务管理是企业管理的中心和提高经济效益的保障。就有关财务管理问题, 谈几点知识毕业设计论文总结。
Abstract: this paper introduced the with China's economic development, China's state-owned enterprise financial management problems of more and more prominent, the economic efficiency of enterprises and therefore he been affected. . How to strengthen enterprise financial management, and work to reduce the cost, for enterprise management decision to provide rapid, accurate service, improve the enterprise economic benefit, is the enterprise financial management personnel issues that need to be resolved. Financial management is the center of the management and improve the economic benefit of protection. This paper is the financial management problems, talk about some knowledge.
Keywords: financial management; Capital management; Cost management

3.7文献标识码:A 论文编号:

加强企业财务管理,除了加强财务基础工作和内部监控工作外,还加强资金管理、 成本管理和风险管理,推进财务管理信息化,形成科学的管理机制,推动企业提高经济效益的。-以上为可参考的写作提示