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论文片段—类号:F291.1文献标识码:A论文编号:绪论:丹东市地处东北亚的中心地带,是中国万里海疆的北端起点,是环渤海经济圈和东北亚经济圈的交汇点,是中国东北东部乃至俄罗斯远东地区的出海通道和连通朝鲜、韩国、日本等国家和地区的中心结点,是辽东半岛对外开放的窗口。-以上为可参考的写作提示加快港口经济发展 ——努力把丹东建设成为东北东部现代化沿海港口城市
关键字:丹东 港口经济 现代化港口城市 经济增长 条件
Abstract: Dandong, Liaoning Province under provincial jurisdiction prefecture-level cities, the development of the port economy has unique advantages and many forable conditions, if you ask a good program, coupled with the strong support of the provincial government, Dandong will form a new open port economic developmentpattern, this pattern will drive the further improvement of the city's economy further forward to the modernization of the coastal port city.
Keywords: Dandong, port economy, a modern port city, economic growth, forable conditions.

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