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[摘要] 目的 探讨健康教育在人工流产患者中的应用效果。 方法 选取2012年1~12月无人工流产禁忌证的120患者作为研究对象,按照随机数字法分为观察组及对照组各60例,对照组患者给予常规护理干预;观察组在对照组的基础上实施健康教育。 结果 观察组疼痛程度视觉模拟评分(3.23±1.34)分、术中出血(14.28±4.56) ml、手术时间(7.56±2.03) min、并发症发生率为5.00%,低于对照组的(4.78±1.89)分、(22.65±5.34) ml、(10.56±3.23) min、21.67%;患者满意率为98.33%,高于对照组的83.33%(P < 0.05)。 结论 围术期健康教育消除了患者的恐惧心理,提高了手术效果,改善了护患关系,值得临床应用。
[关键词] 健康教育;人工流产;应用效果
[] C [文章编号] 1674-4721(2013)06(c)-0140-02
Application effect of health education among patients receiving induced abortion
SHI Jihong
Nantong Geriatric Rehabilitation Hospital of Jiangsu Province,Nantong 226001,China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the application effect of health education among patients receiving induced abortion. Methods 120 patients without induced abortion ban card who received induced abortion from January to December 2012 were selected as the study subjects and divided into the observation group and the control group using the random number method,with 60 patients in each group.The control group was given routine nursing intervention an论文下载中心www.7ctime.com
d the observation group was given additional health education on the basis of the control group. Results The observation group had a pain degree visual analogue scale of (3.23±1.34),intraoperative blood loss of (14.28±4.56) ml,operative time of (7.56±2.03) minutes and a complication rate of 5.00%,which were lower than the (4.78±1.89),(22.65±5.34) ml,(10.56±3.23) minutes and 21.67% of the control group. The observation group had a patient satiaction rate of 98.33%,which was higher than the 83.33% of the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion Perioperative health education can eliminate the fear of patients,improve the surgical efficacy and improve the nurse-patient relationship,thereby worthy of clinical application.
[Key words] Health education;Induced abortion;Application effect
1 资料与方法
l.1 一般资料
选取2012年1~12月无人工流产禁忌证的120患者作为研究对象,年龄19~42岁,平均(28.78±4.22)岁,孕龄6~10周,平均(51.24±7.20) d,术前进行妇科检查,尿人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)测定、B超检查确定为宫内妊娠者,均为自愿要求进行人工流产术者,将120例患者按照随机数字法分为观察组及对照组各60例,两组患者的年龄、孕龄、文化程度等差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),具有可比性。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 术前宣教 注意维护患者的自尊和隐私权,尊重她们,并给予关心和体贴,许多女性把人工流产所遭受的痛苦和怨气迁怒于配偶,应积极与家属取得配合,指导家属了解患者的思想动态,陪伴她们且给予爱的表达,尽可能满足其合理要求,积极进行心理疏导,解除患者焦虑、忧怨的情绪。回答孕妇的疑问,使她们明白人工流产是小手术,受术者该如何配合,避免紧张,手术完全可以顺利而安全地进行。 研究生论文www.7ctime.com