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摘要:为了了解中国非英语专业大学生词汇深度知识的掌握情况和词汇学习策略的使用情况,一项实证性研究来调查两者在教学中的情况以及它们之间的性。研究是基于Nation的词汇深度知识理论和O’MalleyChamot的词汇学习策略理论。其中Nation把词汇深度知识分为四类:词的语言形式(发音和拼写)、词在句中的位置(语法形式和搭配)、词的使用功能(频率和正确使用)和词义(与其他词的关系)会计论文。O’MalleyChamot把词汇学习策略分为三个层面:元认知策略、认知策略和社交策略,其中最的策略是认知策略,运用策略指导词汇深度知识的学习。,词汇深度知识与元认知策略、认知策略和社交策略存在不同的性;认知策略分类中的联想策略与词汇深度知识的性最为中国论文中心。本次实验调查分为前测和后测图书馆论文。前测是了解非英语专业本科生词汇深度知识的掌握情况和词汇学习策略的整体使用情况,经过四个月的学习与练习之后后测,在O’MalleyChamot等人对词汇学习策略研究基础上,运用这些的学习策略指导学生学习词汇深度知识,从而分析在词汇深度知识前测和后测之间的联系与差异性。本次研究是以152名河南科技大学非英语专业本科生为受试对象,要求完成一份词汇深度知识测试卷和一份词汇学习策略的调查问卷,其中词汇深度知识测试卷中的词汇选自《大学英语综合教程》。研究工具中的词汇深度知识测试卷包括3种题型:(1)基于John Read的词汇联想测试卷所修改的题目。(2)基于Paribakht and Wesche的词汇知识量表测试卷所修改的选择题。(3)造句的词汇深度知识测试卷题目。词汇学习策略的调查问卷是基于Gu和Johnson设计基础上的。对的数据用SPSS11.5统计软件分析,实验研究如下:一、受试对象对词汇深度知识的掌握情况不太乐观,在联想测试、选择题和造句这三种题型中,被试者的分数都不高。二、在词汇学习策略的三个层面中,认知策略的使用频率最高毕业设计论文致谢。除此之外,在元认知策略和认知策略中使用频率最高的分别是自我评估策略、联想策略和策略,,社交策略的使用频率非常低。三、词汇深度知识与选择策略的系数非常高,与联想策略的系数也较高,这选择策略和联想策略对词汇深度知识的提高有很大帮助。言之,作者非英语专业学生应恰当地运用的词汇学习策略,以提高他们的词汇深度知识毕业论文摘要范文。关键词:词汇深度知识论文词汇学习策略论文性差异论文性论文
List of tables and figures7-11
Chapter One Introduction11-15

1.1 Background of the study11-12

1.2 Purpose of the study12

1.3 Significance of the study12-13

1.4 Organization of the thesis13-15

Chapter Two Literature review15-27
2.1 The definition of “word”and “vocabulary knowledge”15-17

1.1 Tokens and types16

2.1.2 Word famipes, lemmas and high-frequency words16

1.3 Breadth of vocabulary knowledge16-17


1.4 Depth of vocabulary knowledge17

2.2 Previous researches on vocabulary knowledge17-20
2.2.1 Previous researches on breadth of vocabulary knowledge17-18
2.2.2 Previous researches on depth of vocabulary knowledge18-20 Previous researches on depth of vocabulary knowledge abroad18-19 Previous researches on depth of vocabulary knowledge in China19-20
2.3 Studies on vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary abipty20-23
2.3.1 Introduction of vocabulary learning strategies20-21
2.3.2 Classifications of vocabulary learning strategies21-22

2.3.1 Oxford’s classification21 O’Malley and Chamot’s classification21-22

2.3.3 Gu and Johnson’s classification22 Schmitt and McCarthy’s classification22

2.3.5 Cohen’s classification22

2.3.3 Empirical studies on vocabulary learning strategies22-23 Empirical studies on vocabulary learning strategies abroad22-23 Empirical studies on vocabulary learning strategies at home23
2.4 Previous studies on the relationship between dept论文片段—vocabularyknowledgeandvocabularylearningstrategiesatcognitivedimension50-515.3.3.4Correlationsbetweendepthofvocabularyknowledgeandvocabularylearningstrategiesatsocial/affectivedimension51-525.4Theapppcationofvocabularylearningstrategies(quaptativeanalysis)52-535.5Summa词汇深度知识论文,词汇学习策略论文,显著性差异论文,相关性论文,
h of vocabulary knowledge and vocabulary learning strategies23-25

2.5 Summary25-27

Chapter Three Theoretical framework27-31
3.1 Theoretical framework of depth of vocabulary knowledge proposed by Nation27-29
3.2 Theoretical framework of vocabulary learning strategies proposed by O’Malley Chamot29-30

3.3 Summary30-31

Chapter Four Methodology31-39

4.1 Subjects31

4.2 Research questions31-32

4.3 Instruments32-36

4.3.1 Test papers on depth of vocabulary knowledge32-33

3.2 Questionnaire design33-36

4.4 Procedure36-37

4.5 Scoring of the test37-38

4.6 Methods of data analysis38

4.7 Summary38-39

Chapter Five Results and discussions39-55
5.1 The results of depth of vocabulary knowledge in the pre-test39-40
5.2 The results of vocabulary learning strategies in the pre-test40-44
5.2.1 The general use of various vocabulary learning strategies40-42
5.2.2 The use of vocabulary learning strategies at three dimensions42-44
5.3 Analysis and discussions about the effect of vocabulary learning strategies on depth of vocabulary knowledge (quantitative analysis)44-52
5.3.1 The overall situation of depth of vocabulary knowledge and vocabulary learning strategies in the pre-test44-45
5.3.2 The differences of depth of vocabulary knowledge between pre-test and post-test45-48
5.3.3 The correlation between depth of vocabulary knowledge and vocabulary learning strategies48-52 Correlations between bepefs on vocabulary learning and depth of vocabulary knowledge48-49 Correlations between depth of vocabulary knowledge and vocabulary learning strategies at meta-cognitive dimension49-50 Correlations between depth of vocabulary knowledge and vocabulary learning strategies at cognitive dimension50-51 Correlations between depth of vocabulary knowledge and vocabulary learning strategies at social/affective dimension51-52
5.4 The apppcation of vocabulary learning strategies (quaptative analysis)52-53

5.5 Summary53-55

Chapter Six Conclusion55-59

6.1 Major findings55-56

6.2 Limitations of the present study56

6.3 Imppcations and suggestions for the future research in this field56-59
Appendix I63-69
Appendix II69-71