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最后更新时间:2024-03-18 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:11604 浏览:53379
(中山大学附属医院 510630)
Good doctor-patient communication can prevent the occurrence ofmedical disputes
Hu kunpengLin jizongPan weidongDeng meihaiYao zhichengLin nanXuruiyun
【Abstact】 After people's living standards greatly improved and the legal concept of people getted stronger, the people's request for medical care also increase. In such a medical environment, the doctor-patient relationship is complicated and sensitive. The incidence of medical disputes is high. Among them, there is no good communication between doctors and patients, which often lead to disputes fuse. Therefore, good doctor-patient communication is critical to prevent medical disputes.
【Key words】Doctor-patient communication, doctor-patient relationship, medical disputes