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Chapter One Introduction12-16

1.1 Wu Dialects12-13

1.2 Intelpgibipty13-14

1.3 Structure of the Thesis14-16

Chapter Two Literature Review16-22

2.1 Previous Studies on Wu Dialects16-17

2.2 Previous Studies on Intelpgibipty17-21

2.1 Achievements on Intelpgibipty18-19

2.2.2 Achievements on Mutual Intelpgibipty19-21

2.3 Purpose of the Research21-22

Chapter Three Design of the Research22-38

3.1 Three Typical Dialects22-24

3.2 Methodology24-28

3.2.1 Intelpgibipty Rather Than Similarities24-26

2.2 Materials in Intelpgibipty Test26-28

3.3 Subjects28-29

3.4 Design of the Intelpgibipty Test29-34


4.1 Intelpgibipty Test for Sentences30-32

3.4.2 Intelpgibipty Test for Words32-34

3.5 The Test Procedure34-36

3.6 Measures for Grading36-38

Chapter Four Data Analysis38-51
4.1 Comparison on Intelpgibipty of Three Dialects38-44
4.1.1 Intelpgibipty of Three Dialects at the Sentence Level38-40
4.1.2 Intelpgibipty of Three Dialects at the Word Lev论文导读:45-464.2.3MutualIntelpgibiptyBetweenQuzhouDialectandWenzhouDialect464.2.4MutualIntelpgibiptyBetweenThreeDialects46-484.3RelevanceAnalysisBetweenWordsandSentences48-514.3.1KnowledgeonCorrelation48-494.3.2CorrelationCoefficientofWordsandSentences49-51ChapterFiveReportsof
4.1.3 Intelpgibipty of Three Dialects at the Integration Level42-44
4.2 Comparison on Mutual Intelpgibipty Between Three Dialects44-48
4.2.1 Mutual Intelpgibipty Between Wujiang Dialect and Wenzhou Dialect44-45
4.2.2 Mutual Intelpgibipty Between Wujiang Dialect and Quzhou Dialect45-46
4.2.3 Mutual Intelpgibipty Between Quzhou Dialect and Wenzhou Dialect46
4.2.4 Mutual Intelpgibipty Between Three Dialects46-48
4.3 Relevance Analysis Between Words and Sentences48-51

3.1 Knowledge on Correlation48-49

4.3.2 Correlation Coefficient of Words and Sentences49-51
Chapter Five Reports of the Research51-58
5.1 Comparison with Other Studies on Objects51-53
5.2 Comparison with Other Studies on Methods53-55
5.3 Discussion on the Results of the Experiment55-57
5.4 The Significance of the Research's Result57-58
Chapter Six Conclusion and Discussion58-60
Appendix Ⅰ63-64
Appendix Ⅱ64-65