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最后更新时间:2024-02-13 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:19259 浏览:91469
[摘要] 经过3年的调查得知,中条山分布的林源植物药有1 181种,其中,菌藻类8科14种、蕨类19科29属50种、裸子植物5科8属13种、被子植物125科540属1 104种(含栽培153种),占山西省植物药种数的90%以上。资源面临的林不管药、过度利用、滥采乱挖等问题,林药、强化管理、合理开发的对策,使林区植物药资源得以保护与可持续利用医学论文。
[关键词] 林源植物药;资源;可持续利用;中条山
[中图分类号] R933.241 [文献标识码]C [论文编号]1673-7210(2011)03(b)-126-03
Research on forest plants medicine resources and sustainable utilization of Zhongtiaoshan
LI Yangsheng1, TENG Xunhui2, ZHAO Yuchen2, ZHANG Xiazhong1, TENG Fei3
1. Shanxi Province State-owned Forest Authority Zhongtiaoshan, Shanxi Province, Houma 043003, China; 2. Shanxi Medicinal Animals and Plants Cultivation Research Base, Shanxi Province, Jiangxian 043600, China; 3. Shanxi Province Medicinal Plants Development Institute, Shanxi Province, Quwo 043400, China
[Abstract] According to the author's investigation in the past three years, there are 1 181 forest plants medicines in Zhongtiaoshan, among them thallophyte has 14 kinds of 8 families, ferns pteridophytes has 50 kinds of 19 families, ferns gymnosperm has 13 kinds of 5 families, ferns angiosperm has 1 104 kinds of 125 families (153 species of containing cultivation), the species for more than 90 percent of total of the herbal medicine in Shanxi Province. Aiming at some questions such as forestry department do not manage plant medicine, excessive utilization, damaging exploitation of deforestation, author put forward the forestry department manage such as combining with forestry and pharmaceutical, strengthening countermeasures management, reasonable development in order to make plant medicine resources to be protected and utilized sustainable.
[Key words] Forest plant medicine; Resources; Sustainable utilization; Zhongtiaoshan
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