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[摘要] “药对”又称对药,是指在临床上由相对固定的两味中药组成的方剂,是中药复方配伍中最基本、最简单和最常见的用药组方形式。药对研究一直是复方配伍研究中最基础和最的切入点毕业论文提纲。近年来的研究成果,就中药药对配伍对其化学成分体外溶出等理化性质变化以及成分在动物体内药物代谢动力学影响作一综述论文。
[关键词] 药对;配伍;含量变化;药动学;综述
[中图分类号] R969.1;R28[文献标识码] A[论文编号] 1673-7210(2012)02(b)-0008-03
Effects of herb pairs compatibility on the ingredients' pharmacokinetic
WANG Xiaojuan1,2 JI Yubin2 LI Zhixiong1▲
1.Shanghai Institute of Materia Medicine, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, China; 2.Research Center of Life Science and Environmental Science, Harbin University of Commerce, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150076, China
[Abstract] Herb pairs are relatively fixed by the two traditional Chinese medicine of prescription in clinical. And it is the most basic, simplest and most common form of drug prescriptions form in compatibility of TCM compound. The researches of Herb pairs he been the most basic and most important entry points in the studies of compound compatibility. In this paper, we reviewed the physical-chemical and pharmacokinetic effects of herb pairs.
[Key words] Herb pairs; Compatibility; Content variation; Pharmacokinetics; Review