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最后更新时间:2024-01-18 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:15215 浏览:68195
[摘要] 对我国医患关系现状的分析,揭示我国医患关系紧张的原因,从三螺旋理论出发,探讨如何社会、政府、医方、患方的共同努力,以及发挥社会大众媒体正确的舆论导向作用,来建立和谐的医患关系。
[关键词] 三螺旋理论 医患关系 和谐
[Abstract] Based on the theory of The Triple Helix, we need society and government under the joint efforts of the party and government give full effort to promote harmonious doctor-patient relationship function. At the same time harmonious doctor-patient relation also need social mass media exert the correct orientation of public opinion. Anyhow, with the joint efforts of the doctor and patient, only society and government work together can we establish a harmonious doctor-patient relationship.
[Keywords] the Triple Helix doctor-patient relationship harmonious