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最后更新时间:2024-01-30 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:29785 浏览:141788
摘 要:以现代社会发展对复合型医学人才的需求为立论依据,探讨高等医学院校体育学科建设依托医学教育资源,改革体育教学内容、教学模式,构建 “医体”的体育课程方案,体现优势特色毕业总结范文。实验结果,“医体”教学不但提高了学生综合素质,培养了学生医疗处方和体疗处方的双向处方能力学年论文。对走出一条适合我国高等医学院校特点的体育教学改革新路,培养既懂“医”又能“体”的复合型人才有借鉴作用。


The Feasibility of “Medical Science Combined with Physical Science” Strategy for Training Versatile Medical Talents

FU Lanying, YANG Xiaolin, LING Wenjie, FU Qiang, LIU Jia, JIANG Guangtao
(P.E. Department, Xinxiang Medical College, Xinxiang 453003, Henan China)

Abstract:The paper makes a point based on the demand of the modern society on the versatile medical talent, discusses the physical education reform in the education content and form in the medical schools so as to build the curriculum combining medical science and physical science. The results show that this kind of education can not only improve the comprehensive quality of the students but also cultivate their ability in writing medical prescriptions and physical prescriptions as well. The adaptation of “medical science combined with physical science” at medical institutes is feasible for the PE teaching reform and valuable for training the talents with the integrated interdisciplinary knowledge of medical science and physical science.
Key words: medical science combined with physical science; higher medical education; integrated talents; curriculum planning
