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摘要: 对于药品的经济学特征阐述,从而分析政府调控药价难的主要原因。并总结药价调控方法,可加强的措施为政府的调控药品,防止药价失控借鉴论文查重。
Abstract: This paper presents the characteristics of the economics for drugs, so as to analyze the main causes that regulation and control of the drug prices is difficult. At last, it summarizes the regulation method for drug price, and proposes the measures to further strengthen the control of drug price, which provides reference for government to control effectively the drug prices, and prevent drug price out of control.
关键词: 药品;调控
Key words: drugs;price control
中图分类号:F763 文献标识码:A论文编号:1006-4311(2012)09-0118-01