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最后更新时间:2024-03-11 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:8307 浏览:33204
摘 要 从博弈视角,窥探顺应改革发展趋势的高校教师职务聘任法律制度上的缺失,并对职务聘任中的法律滞后现象分析,同时就如何解决相应的完善建议。
关键词 职称评聘 高校教师 博弈
中图分类号:G451 文献标识码:A
Legal Systems of University Teachers' Appointment
in the Perspective of Games
ZHANG Weiwu, SONG Fanjin
(Chongqing University of Arts and Science, Chongqing 402160)
Abstract This paper, in the perspective of the game, is to do a research on the deficiency of the legal system on position employment of college teachers,through analysising the phenomenon of the lag of legal system in the position employment process,the author would like to share some suggestions to solve the problem.
Key words the appraisal and employment; college teachers; the game
1 高校教师职务聘任法律制度的演进