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摘要: 广播电视干部队伍建设事关我国广电事业发展大计,论文对广播电视干部队伍自身建设存在的问题和原因在调查研究的基础上,了深入的分析探讨,了先进性、体现挑战性、增强约束性、激发创造性、着眼长远性的解决问题思路和对策。
Abstract: The construction of cadre troops for radio and television is related to the development plan of China's radio and television career. This paper made an in-depth analysis and discussion based on investigation and research of the existing problems and causes of cadre troops' self-construction for radio and television, and put forward the ideas and countermeasures of solving problems from highlighting advancement, reflecting the challenges, enhancing binding, stimulating creativity, focusing on long-term.
关键词: 广播电视;干部队伍;自身建设;思考
Key words: radio and television; cadre troops; self-construction; thinking
中图分类号:G22 文献标识码:A论文编号:1006-4311(2010)35-0307-02